In 3D graphics, it can be difficult to understand what is happening in the scene. Remember, we see a 3D world on a 2D screen.
Based on the different settings on the camera and objects, the scene can be rendered in different ways.
To help us debug our scenes, threejs and r3f provides us with a few tools.
Helpers are components that help us visualize non-visible options.
The axesHelper displays the X, Y and Z axes in the scene.
It can be very useful once you start moving and rotating the camera and objects.
It comes from the three
package, so we can instiantiate it like this:
<Canvas> <axesHelper /> {/* ... */}
We now have a visual representation of the axes in our scene:
The gridHelper displays a grid in the scene.
<gridHelper args={[10, 10, "green", "blue"]} />
We now have a grid in our scene.
As any other 3D object, we can move, scale and rotate it
R3F also provides its own grid component.
It provides more options than the gridHelper
like the ability to add a fade effect and choose the size of the sections and cells.
<Grid sectionSize={3} sectionColor={"purple"} sectionThickness={1} cellSize={1} cellColor={"#6f6f6f"} cellThickness={0.6} infiniteGrid fadeDistance={50} fadeStrength={5} />
We now have a fading grid in our scene:
The boxHelper displays a box around an object.
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