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How to Create Scene Transitions with React Three Fiber


Let's learn how to create beautiful scene transitions with React Three Fiber! If you've ever wondered how stunning transitions like those in the Adidas Chile20 website or the Summer Afternoon opening sequence are made, this tutorial is for you. Scene transitions are a fantastic way to elevate your 3D web projects, making them more dynamic and engaging.

Enhancing 3D Experiences with Seamless Transitions

As web experiences become more dynamic, smooth transitions between 3D scenes help maintain engagement and improve visual flow. Instead of abrupt scene changes, incorporating shader transitions can create cinematic effects that elevate your project.

Imagine working on a 3D portfolio, an interactive storytelling project, or a virtual store. Instead of cutting between scenes, you can implement beautiful fade, displacement, or patterned transitions to make your experience feel polished and professional.

Insights and Skills

Throughout this tutorial, you’ll gain hands-on experience with:

  • Using Render Targets to handle multiple textures for smooth transitions.

  • Creating custom shader materials to create transition effects.

  • Apply different transition styles, such as dissolve, wipe, and fade.

  • Optimize scene transitions for performance and smooth rendering.

  • Enhance the experience with camera controls and post-processing effects.

  • Structure your React Three Fiber projects for scalability and reusability.

Tech Stack

  • React Three Fiber

  • Three.js

  • Lygia

  • Vite

  • ShaderToy & GLSL

  • Blender



#threejs #javascript #r3f

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