How to build a Dapp - Interacting with a smart contract using React and Ethers / useDApp
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How to interact with your smart contract using React, useDApp and Ethers ?
In the first tutorial we made a simple smart contract for our tower and deployed it to rinkeby testnet blockchain.
In this second video we create a frontend with React and interact with the deployed smart contract using Ethers library and useDApp framework.
What you'll learn :
How to check if a wallet is installed, connect it to your website and check if it is connected to the correct chain
How to create transactions and create new floors on the tower
How to get the event logs from your contract
Useful links :
The final Dapp you will build
The final tutorial code
Mantine (the UI framework we'll be using in this web3 course)
To get further :
The excellent CryptoZombies courses
Web3js (not used but might be interesting)
If you can't wait for the next videos :
React Three Fiber
If you want to dive into Web3 and Three.js don't forget to subscribe to the channel!