How to Create Shader Transitions with React Three Fiber and Lygia (PART 2)
Transitions between 3D scenes can add a seamless and immersive effect to web experiences. In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to use Three.js, React Three Fiber, and the Lygia library to create stunning shader-based transitions.
Enhancing 3D Experiences with Seamless Transitions
As web experiences become more dynamic, smooth transitions between 3D scenes help maintain engagement and improve visual flow. Instead of abrupt scene changes, incorporating shader transitions can create cinematic effects that elevate your project.
Imagine working on a 3D portfolio, an interactive storytelling project, or a virtual store. Instead of cutting between scenes, you can implement beautiful fade, displacement, or patterned transitions to make your experience feel polished and professional.
Insights and Skills
Throughout this tutorial, you’ll gain hands-on experience with:
Using Render Targets to handle multiple textures for smooth transitions.
Creating custom shader materials to manipulate 3D scenes.
Exploring Lygia’s shader library for enhanced visual effects.
Implementing 10 different 3D scene transitions, including:
Horizontal / Vertical transitions
Multiple stripes
Square formations
Rotating diagonals
Fading effects
Noise distortions
Displacement effects
Smooth blending techniques
Using uniforms and controls to customize transitions.
Refining animations with smoothstep and remap functions.
Tech Stack
React Three Fiber
Explore the final implementation
#threejs #lygia #r3f
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