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Recreating Atmos 3D Website with React Three Fiber: Part 4 - UI & Responsive


Welcome to the final part of our tutorial series on recreating the stunning Atmos 3D website using React Three Fiber and Three.js!

In this final part of our tutorial series, we wrap up the process of recreating the stunning Atmos website using React Three Fiber and Three.js. In Part 4, we focus on refining the user interface (UI), adding smooth animations, and ensuring that the website is responsive across devices.

Why UI & Responsiveness Matter for 3D Web Experiences

Creating 3D websites is an exciting challenge, but one of the key obstacles developers face is ensuring that their designs not only look great but also work smoothly across various devices and screen sizes. As the complexity of 3D elements increases, so does the need for a solid, responsive UI that adapts seamlessly.

In this tutorial, we dive into the importance of designing a loading screen, adding animations, and ensuring your website remains functional on mobile and desktop devices. By learning these techniques, you’ll be able to create websites that look good and perform well—no matter where they’re viewed.

Insights and Skills

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to:

  • Build and animate a loading screen for a smooth user experience.

  • Create an ending animation that wraps up the 3D experience with style.

  • Use GSAP animations to smoothly animate 3D objects and UI elements.

  • Integrate responsive design techniques to ensure your 3D website works well on both desktop and mobile.

  • Implement custom scrollbars that match the aesthetic of the site.

  • Set up a context provider to manage the play state between the UI and 3D scene.

  • Use React Three Fiber to handle scene opacity, ensuring smooth transitions between UI and 3D elements.

  • Adjust camera settings and field of view (FOV) based on screen orientation to improve responsiveness.

Tech Stack

Demo & Code link


#threejs #react #r3f

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